Keith Kube for Legislature

Editorial #315 “The Agenda of Complexity” aired on September 7, 2021

Editorial #315 The Agenda of Complexity

The old adage: “we just need to use common sense and everything would be okay” has never been truer.  Common sense is like pornography: I can’t tell you what it is but I know it when I see it.  The irony is common sense is anything but common, as noted in Thomas Paine’s book, “Common Sense”, written in 1776.  Even then common sense was a rare commodity.


Editorial #317 “The Virtues of Labor” aired on September 2, 2021

Editorial #317 Virtues of Labor

On this Labor Day weekend, the advice of our parents: work hard, be honest and pray is sounding like a joke in today’s world. Labor Day is considered the end of summer and intended to honor that which makes self-sufficiency happen, economies grow, the world a better place.  Without labor literally nothing gets done.

Honest labor in businesses is harder to find as many are forced to compete with businesses who cheat on their taxes,


Editorial #313 “The Dirty Secret of Secrets” aired on August 26, 2021

Editorial #313 The Dirty Secret of Secrets

Where is the line between security and privacy? That is the horns of the dilemma upon which we all rest.  Our privacy to guard our personal and financial information from the wrong people is one of our most important issues.

In an honest world, being open would not pose a threat if one has nothing to hide.  Small towns in the ‘50’s told their neighbors when they were going on a trip. 


Editorial #316 “Things That Will Kill You” aired on August 31, 2021

Editorial #316 Things that will kill You

The media is in an arms race with itself.  Reporters and news outlets have only one objective: to be more sensational than any other story that day.  This drives ratings, which is the only thing that matters to them.  And since the media, not the government, runs the country, they need to be noticed so they can sneak subliminal messages, propagandizing us without our being conscious of it.


Editorial #312 “Collective Intelligence” aired on August 24, 2021

Editorial #312 Collective Intelligence

We have all seen raffle games with the jar full of jelly beans where the guesser that is closest to the actual number wins.

This is an example of a social concept called ‘collective intelligence’.  As expected, the guesses vary widely but the interesting part is that with more than 500 guesses, the average of all the guesses is within 5% of the actual number. The average gets ever closer with more participants.


Editorial #314 “Verification vs Revelation” aired on August 19, 2021

Editorial #314 Verification vs Revelation

I recently toured Paris and the villages on way to the Normandy coast of France. These charming little towns were suddenly sucked into a world war on D-Day, June 6, 1944 that changed the face of history.

These beaches and battle fields still show the wounds from 80 years ago, that are still wet with the memory of the blood and guts of son and daughters,


Editorial #311 “Difference Between Spending and Investing” aired on August 17, 2021

Editorial #311 Difference Between Spending and Investing

The old liberal mantra “never let a good disaster go to waste” is in full affect with way the media constantly reporting the unusual weather patterns and the pandemic.  Problems that have existed from the beginning of time with; security, poverty and our health are all constants along with death and taxes.

There is common denominator to all these problems.  It is not money but how the money is handled in deal with these problems: it is either invested or spent depending on the economic system of the decision makers.


Editorial #304 “What Difference Does It Make?” aired on August 5, 2021

Editorial #304 What Difference Does it Make?

At the risk of echoing Hillary Clinton’s famous quip when asked about the Syrian Embassy attack: “What difference does it make?” is the question much of the country is asking about today’s national news.

Do we need to know the running body count from the tragic condo collapse, the number of pandemic infections each day, the casualties from the Syrian war, the number of deaths in Afghanistan,


Editorial #310 “The Whole World is a Stage” aired on August 3, 2021

Editorial #310 The Whole World is a Stage

If we look closely, evolution explains everything.  We all know about the food chain, the top predictor, a keystone species and the affect it has, if anything is changed. ‘Survival of the fittest’ is nature’s way to keep everything in balance, from the food chain to social behaviors and morality.

This process is constant with the best always surviving, eventually.  If the system becomes unbalanced or dysfunctional in any way,


Editorial #307 “Nebraska Eagle Forum” aired on August 10th and 12th, 2021

Editorial #307 Nebraska Eagle Forum

We all wonder: what can we do to stop the hypocrisy and corruption we see today?  The better question is: when we see hypocrisy that upsets us, what are we doing in response?  We have two choices: set a good example, living by the golden rule and the Ten Commandments, or be apathetic about this evil designed to depress, divide and anger us.

There are two side to everything: Liberals thrive on changing traditional ways of doing things with politicians feeling they must be a change agent.