About Keith F. Kube
54794 889 Road
Crofton, Nebraska 68730
BS Civil Engineer, Commercial Real Estate Development, Investment Banker, Chief Financial Officer, Management Consultant, Politician, Author and Professional Musician
Hedge Fund Management and Business Consulting, San Francisco, CA
-Chief Financial Officer and Business Analyst
- Investment and business stress testing
- Political extrapolation positioning and tax strategy planning
- Editorial analysis on government/business functions
Business Management Consulting Firm; Chicago, IL
-Analyst and Consultant for privately held business entities
-Analyzed all business segments for over 1000 private companies
-Developed optimal business plan
-Composed and Implemented organizational structures
-Designed long term business strategies
Wholesale/retail lender in real estate equities; Burlingame, CA
-Chief Financial Officer and Director of Operations
-Legal adviser to operations involving due diligence of business ventures
-Financial and estate planner for companies and individual clients
-Developed strategies for marketing and advertising
-Real Estate Mortgage broker
-Prepared Trust, corporate, and individual Tax Returns
-Tax and Legal consultant for clients in starting business ventures
1988 to 1991: OPTROTECH INC.
Manufactured production equipment for the semiconductor industry; Nes Zion, Israel
-District Sales Manager for Northern California
-Specified and sold semiconductor manufacturing equipment
-Account Executive for semiconductor manufacturers in San Jose, CA
-Ranked #2 Nationally in 1989 and 1990 in equipment sales
1985 to 1989: THE TRANE COMPANY
Commercial and Industrial refrigeration equipment manufacturer; LaCrosse, WI
Director of Market Development
-Implemented marketing and training programs for value driven selling
-Composed and published sales guides, videos and marketing literature
Project Manager and Process Engineer
-Designed commercial and industrial refrigeration systems
-Specified and sold commercial air conditioning system to engineers
-Designed industrial heat exchangers for the petro chemical industry
Regional Stock and Bond Brokerage firm; Milwaukee, WI
Investment Banker
-Broker of stocks, bonds, options and syndications
-Portfolio Manager of over 300 accounts
-Investment analyst on tax, insurance, and financial matters
Real Estate Brokerage Firm for Commercial, Industrial and Residential real estate
Manager Commercial Real Estate Division
-Managed and trained commercial and residential sale executives
-Real estate sales executive
-Real estate broker/manager
-Sales trainer for the Wisconsin Realtors Association (WRA)
-Technical Trainer for WRA on energy conservation issues
Bachelor of Science: Civil Engineering: University of Nebraska
CCIM: Certified Commercial Investment Member of the National Association of Realtors
Licensed Real Estate Broker in WI, MN, CA
Series 7, 6, + 63 Securities Broker license
Certified Tax Preparer, California Dept. of Consumer Affairs
Author: INTEGRITY STARTS WITH "I" found on Amazon
Former Board Member for the NAIOP:
Bay Area Chapter National Association of Industrial and Office Parks, San Francisco,
Former Treasurer: LaCrosse County Historical Society
Knight of the Year Blessed Sacrament Parish Knights of Columbus, LaCrosse WI
Former Secretary: United Fund for the Arts, LaCrosse WI
Former Board Member: LaCrosse County Salvation Army
Past President and Chair: LaCrosse,WI Preservation Society
Former Director and Energy Committee Chair: Wisconsin Realtors Association
Past Director: Downtown LaCrosse, WI Rotary Club
Board Member Yankton Area Concert Association
Former Candidate 40th Legislative District Nebr. Unicameral
What other elected offices have you held?
- Board of Directors: Salvation Army, Rotary International of LaCrosse WI, Yankton Area Concert Assoc. President and Chairman of the LaCrosse Preservation Society and voted Knight of the Year for Knights of Columbus LaCrosse WI.
What civic organizations are you involved in?
- Crofton Community Club, Chair of Q125 History Book, St Rose Catholic Church as a Musician, Yankton Area Concert Association, Mount Marty College Choir, Yankton UCC Choir
What do you want the voters to know about your education?
- St. Rose Catholic Grade School, Crofton High School, Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering University of Nebraska w/minor in Economics, Licensed Real Estate Broker, WI, CA, MN, Series 6+7 Securities license plus extensive international experience in business consulting.
What has motivated you to step forward and run for office?
- I moved back to the best place in the world to live and I would like to help maintain those blessings we have here in Northeast Nebraska. I feel my experience in engineering, business and consulting would allow me to serve District 40 to lead the rural senators with extensive experience in both agriculture and urban businesses.
Why are you qualified for this position?
- Although a native of Nebraska, I had the opportunity to work throughout the world for over 985 different businesses, helping them to successfully navigate the difficult task of business ownership. With this management experience and understanding of how to stress test businesses I am able to see the threats that come to businesses and how to manage an organization to minimize these threats, often before they realize the threat.
In your opinion, what is the proper role of government?
- To manage the system we use to protect and maintain the public assets of our citizens , provide security and administer laws to preserve our way of life. This is done by continuing to control spending while always determining the sustainability and duration of any program. Like Thomas Jefferson, I believe the role of government is to protect the life, liberty and property of its citizens. That means we continue working to safeguard that system that provides our security, laws and infrastructure.
What are the most important issues facing District 40 today and in the future?
- Nebraska Communities are faced with long term issues of sustainability. These Communities are trying to preserve that life style which makes it the best place in the world to live. These are the things that attract the next generation. It is important to make sure that it remains an attractive alternative for them. The population is forgetting that our food does not come from the grocery store, it comes from the largest business of our state, agriculture. Tax laws persecute agriculture undermines our Nation's entire food source and security.
Express your ideas of the job description for the office you are seeking.
- My background in business and business management has helped me develop many skill sets. I believe these business principles must be applied to government as well. I wish to bring this ‘Business Sense’ style of management to the Nebraska Unicameral that is consistent with the operation of any business in the private sector.
What ideas do you have to promote job creation and make the community/state more business friendly?
- Provide a ‘tax environment’ that encourages and attracts businesses that need a work force from our talent pool in Nebraska. Tax policy must be fair to urban and rural communities. It must encourage and promote our core values and not penalize success. Money from tax revenue must be invested, not spent.
How are jobs created?
- Jobs are created only in the private sector through businesses and entrepreneurial enterprises that locate where they feel welcome and do not feel harassed by unfriendly business regulations and unreasonable taxes. It is important to know the purpose of business is to make a profit, through employing people and efficient management of resources. It is not to employ people at an unrealistic minimum wage, demand they provide health care, tax their profits and hope they will survive on little or no margin.
What are the three most important issues in your race and how are you going to address them?
1: The issue:
- Address the perceived inequity in the way the rural communities pay their real estate taxes to fund the local public schools!
The answer:
- Identify any inequities that may actually exist. Determine the 'demand side' of the budget first and then determine the 'supply side' necessary. Taxpayers must be given the opportunity of choosing the best way of funding their local school districts once they know what problem is being eliminated when the money is invested....not spent.
2: The issue:
- To be ever vigilant of our Federal Agencies 'writing rules' that continue to infringe on personal property rights regarding land and water usage.
The Answer:
- If these are not stopped locally, the entire food production process of our country will change to a system that has failed when attempted in other parts of the world.
3: The issue:
- Investigate the income tax structure in order to reduce the temptation of our senior citizens to move to another state in an effort to reduce their state tax burden.
The answer:
- The state must work to achieve parity with other states in an effort to have our retirees continue to reside in our state and spend their retirement dollars here.
What will be your greatest challenge if elected?
- To have the voters realize, by the preamble of our constitution, that "We the People" are the true leaders of the country, not our politicians. Our politicians are not leaders, they are managers that "We the People" hire. It is the job of these politicians to manage it's finances and prioritize resources, as allowed in our Constitution, to provide sustainable economic improvements on both a financial and functional basis.
Additional information you would like to share with voters (i.e. family/personal information, hobbies, work history, etc.)
- I was born and raised on a Northeast Nebraska farm/ranch operation. My father was a WW II B25 bomber pilot and my mother was saint teaching me that I have two purposes in life. TO SAVE MY SOUL AND SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR THOSE WE LEAVE BEHIND. I have a grown son, Stephen. Some of my hobbies include, repairing guitars, collecting antique tools, semi-professional musician, hunting, fishing, sailing and cross country skiing.
Where did you grow up
I was born and raised on a farm/ranch operation outside of Crofton, the oldest of seven, four boys and three girls. We are very close to this day with family celebrations happening regularly on our farm where I live, just like the times when our parents were still with us.
How has your upbringing influenced who you are?
We were taught by my mother that we have two purposes in life. One is to save our soul and the second is to make the world better than we found it. We worked very hard with all our efforts to make the family homestead presentable, efficient and homey. I am very proud of my farm family upbringing and feel blessed for having the family structure in which I was raised. It has grounded me in life long values that are the main reason for the education, career and work ethic I apply to this day.
Where did you go to college and what was your major?
My elementary education was at St. Rose School before attending Crofton High School. I was the Boys State representative and won state recognition honors in Track, Cross Country and Music. I attended the University of Nebraska College of Engineering and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Civil Engineering. In college I directed the Newman Center Folk Choir for three years and ran on Nebraska Track Team for one year.
Where has your life led you since college graduation?
I was married to the mother of my son, Stephen, for 13 years and worked as a process engineer for the Trane Company of LaCrosse, Wisconsin until we divorced and re-based my career in San Francisco, CA.
I worked in the finance, sales, and tax preparation fields preparing for my career in management consulting for George S. May International as a business analyst until I retired.
I moved back, permanently, to the best place in the world, Northeast Nebraska, in late 2009 after spending the summers on the home farmstead since 2003. I was taking my turn, taking care of my parents and my son, who was injured in an accident, as well as restoring the farmstead to the way it was, growing up working with my Grandfather and Father.
How has your previous occupations influenced your opinions on the form and function of government?
Having the opportunity to intensely debate the liberal left coast culture for 25 years I have become very adept at articulating and defending conservative, sustainable values that have worked very well since the founding of our Democratic Republic in 1776 and in this state since 1869. I have learned, taught and implemented business systems and methods that are vital to our capitalist system both in business and in government. I feel this experience is vital and necessary for any representative of this district and state to have in order to preserve the values that we as Nebraskans are proud to possess.
What are your core values and principles that you used to guide your career and your life?
We were taught at home by my parents and grandparents, who lived next door. We adopted four core values that we did not compromise: Honesty, Fairness, Integrity and Sustainability or longevity. We believe that the things we do are for the long term, not just to get by and let someone else worry about it. This was hard but it worked on the farm, in my engineering career and my business career. I want to bring that approach to my office, if I am given the privilege to serve this district, state and country.
My principles revolve around fiscally conservative monetary policy, convention social systems, very pro life, firm believer in the 2nd amendment and objective business methods in commerce and government.
I abhor waste of any kind. Being a farmer, fisherman, hunter and outdoorsman, I firmly believe that we have a responsibility to care for our environment in spite of the fact that climate change is a cycle of nature and not man made.