Keith Kube for Legislature


Announcing: Integrity Starts With "I"

Available on Amazon, Kindle and E-Bay


The book the liberal media, politicians and lobbyists inside the DC Beltway and all State Capitols do not want you to read.  It exposes the crumbling foundation for the hypocrisy, dishonest agendas and the fake news that advances political correctness and situational ethics.  It exposes the reason for creating an ever growing victim class that puts the country on the slippery slope of socialism.

Integrity Starts with "I"
(The Answer to ALL the World's Problems)

This book will show how a lack of integrity is the single most important factor that causes all the world's problems.  It will show how it prevents governments, societies, and political parties as well as businesses and individuals from being functional.  The book also shows how to recognize the absence of integrity before it infects any problem solving process.

It will outline how to minimize the tendency of addressing only the symptom along with the process that must start with perfecting the definition of the actual problem.  These steps are always necessary before there is any hope of actually solving any problem.


It is sad it is so difficult to apply the core value "integrity" on a macro scale.  It only seems possible on a micro or individualist scale because few people have a true altruistic interest for addressing the world problems. The real difficulty is there are few example of true integrity in the world with even fewer able or willing to put themselves into a position to make a difference.

To gain a position in politics with true altruism and integrity is nearly impossible because those traits practically guarantee un-electability.  To learn altruism and integrity is very difficult as well with few examples from which to learn and it is certainly not taught in schools.

In an attempt to address the conundrum, I will try to show how the use of technology could provide a way for true altruism and integrity to be applied on a macro scale as it gives the ability to objectively apply "all the available knowledge" in finding a solution with the honest objectiveness necessary for achieving integrity.

An objective "computer like" analysis increases the likelihood of subsidiarity(1): "the concept of being managed by the smallest responsible entity" to be more likely.  Using this approach lets those who are most altruistic about an issue to make the decisions. This concept was nirvana and nearly impossible to even consider before the existence of the technology age of today, but it is now possible and proven by the invention of the Watson Computer(41) by IBM.

By having a way for dishonest agendas to be filtered out, the objective result should result in decisions that have integrity because they are fair, honest and sustainable, not having any possibility of distrust.  Integrity is the most important ingredient in society that provides it.  Integrity seems to be diminishing from the examples of chivalrousness from past generations.  The value systems of the Renaissance that continued through the Revolutionary period is gradually dying.  In these past times duels were fought and wars were waged when someone felt their integrity was impugned.

I will show how major problems should be defined, resulting in solutions that are quickly identified and implemented.  It may not make solutions easier or less painful, but it will simplify the solution process by quickly identifying subjective bottlenecks and unnecessary obstacles.  This approach is not new.  It has been used for generations in most technical applications by data driven engineers and technicians.  Today's problems are not any more complex, but they seem to demand quicker solutions that become very emotional and easily manipulated by slick advertising and propaganda.

Today, if a social or political problem IS ever solved or minimized, it is usually stumbled upon with the common approach of compromising some principles (things we like) while "accidentally" managing to not compromise any of our core values of Honesty, Fairness, Sustainability and Integrity.

The word "character" is often thought to describe these four core values, but it is almost always used as a "throw away" word and applied casually. This casualness diminishes the magnitude and the responsibly of someone with real character.  The true understanding seems to be nebulous or in a diluted state by escaping the "magnifying glass" needed to detect true integrity.

The world doesn't seem to want to accept any quick solutions and no one likes to be "dictated to" or "preached at" with specific or strict instructions.  Human nature seems to require a need to experience the "birthing pains" of decision making before a solution is considered, much less accepted.  The "perfecting the question" approach involving integrity will not ease the "birthing process", but it will make the process more appreciated and acceptable.  If this process is realized and internalized early, managers in government (politicians) will stop "kicking the can down the road".  Our objective is to make our systems work and function with more permanence and less consternation.  This is the logical outcome, if emotions and a lack of integrity do not interfere, resulting in making the world a better place.

It should become apparent that the peace, harmony and security we all seek is based in the fundamental concept of personal integrity.  Integrity does not have any element of selfishness or individuality.  The only way Integrity can exist in the world, requires all of us have it.

The G.U.T. Book Is Available on E-Bay:


"The Grand Unification Theory of Business and Success" is now available on E-Bay.

This is THE business manual designed for anyone who needs to convince any banker that your business is a sound investment.  Most businesses know where they are, but few ever know where they must be to insure financial success.

It is written for students studying, or considering business.  It is designed to give business owners the assurance and insurance to your banker that your business is an investment that will preform as expected and be successful.  It shows how to present your business operation in a light bankers want to see.

The Grand…is a survival manual for companies that have decided to manage their way through a current business economy that is rapidly collapsing and rebuilding in unpredictable ways. In such an environment, every business must learn to first break even and then make a profit, which is the cure price of economic survival. As a business, owner, you must know the advice in this important book.

Chris is a Mortgage Underwriter Attorney from Texas

Premise of The Grand Unification Book

The title may sound complicated, but it is a meant to express the existence of a logical summary of traits found in 'successful' businesses. The book is an attempt to summarize these lessons of business at a considerably lower tuition cost, with the 'tuition' simply the time invested to read it and the expense to purchase it. This book will not set out how to bring the money in the door, but simply how to handle it so you are able to do it sustainably.

The most surprising observation I made over my career is the fact that a very simple question was never asked: We all know what the particular 'numbers' are in our business, but what should they be for a successful operation?

The book is for anyone who needs money to fund any business or idea. It shows where your business should be, not just where you are. It was designed to be a 'handout' for any potential bank client who is trying to borrow money for new or existing businesses. It describes what a banker is looking for in order to make their investment a good decision. It shows how to avoid problems before they become unfixable. It shows how to engineer profit, ensure survivability and assure viability at any stage of existence. It will give direction for dealing with negative influences and minimize mistakes that could impact the operation. It will show what to change and the amounts of change required. It will put any financial plan  on  solid ground convincing bankers and/or investors that your business has  those traits found in investments that are solid and secure for the business and the bank.

There are many self-help and money making books on the market with varying degrees of success and effectiveness. I have read many of these books and have been somewhat critical of them. Their methodology is to either: 1. Identify your problem and 'giving permission' for you to have that same problem or 2. List attributes or examples to strive for and emulate, but not give the 'how to implement' or 'action items' to improve your situation.  If it does, it is deficient and nebulous. This book will show how to connect the concept with reality.

The Result of Political Correctness gone Awry

The unrest and turmoil to which we are constantly exposed through the media, is the logical response, as the 'pendulum of life' continues to swing.  In seeing old TV shows shown in the late night, it is fascinating how often I see situations and statements that cause me to think "they would not be able to say or do that today".

We have become so sensitized to political correctness; it is as ubiquitous as the air we breathe.  It has spawned a society of sensitive, soft, anxious, people who are continually walking of egg shells trying to survive the day without offending someone.

It has birthed a culture of permissiveness that tolerates actions and customs that were unthinkable a generation ago.  The concern about this 'new tolerance' is there are no limits to anything with the very though of limiting it, seen as a direct insult and classified as bigoted and racist, punishable in a court of law.

The principles of truth, fairness, integrity and sustainably are no longer applicable.  They are rationalized and gradually negotiated away giving the slippery slope that spawned the implosion of our political system producing the unlikely candidates for president we have today.

It has completely confused all the political consultants, party elites and the media with the terror of finding themselves completely irrelevant and useless.  No one is following the 'drum major' in the parade who insisted on calling himself a leader.  They are amazed people are finally seeing the "King has no clothes" and will no longer believe anyone when they are told to the contrary.

All this is a direct result of 'political correctness' gone awry.  In a society with normal media channels minimized regarding effectiveness, we have a world where the ability to produce a disingenuous agenda is almost all but gone.  Paid rioters and mass faux demonstrations along with propaganda from insiders and political elites are no longer working.  This has produced a candidate leading the 'Republican' party that is the epitome of what the consultant said the party needed, but now that it has arrived, they are deathly afraid that he will win.  The we, frankly, lying.

This proves our so called leaders, who said they were going to fix the spending, bureaucracy, customs, procedures and the power brokering we all condemn, are bold faced, indigent, vacuous, incompetent hypocrites.

No one should be surprised that the pendulum has swung producing a hopeful CEO for the United States that will finally run the 'largest business in the world' like a business. Not a gravy train for those inside the government and those who realize the gravy train they were on will not longer be able to run.

This is all the direct result of Political Correctness gone awry.  Be careful for what we we may get it!

The Reason Why Business as Usual is no Longer Acceptable

We all know, no candidate is prefect.  There is saying "all saints have a past and all sinners have a future" and Trump is considerably more moral than anyone else who can win the presidency with the mood the country as it is now.  The country has too many "warm and fuzzy" politically correct politicians now, that continue to be elected, contributing to the 'mess' we have.  Even the Pope is being hijacked by the liberals and moving toward a position of situational ethics, being politically correct so the parade will still follow....but that does not make them leaders....that makes them prostitutes.  If we want a change in Washington, the package looks like Trump.  Sasse is making a major mistake with his statement about Trump, and I spoke to him about it.  The expectation of finding another 'warm and fuzzy' candidate that conforms to the stereotype is foolish, naive and will affect his career going forward.  Romney's position is irrelevant and the major reason he lost his election.  Any activity to find a more acceptable candidate at this point is getting the 'Sacred Cow' elected with another Democrat term being the point of no return for the country.  Sasse is insulting his own intelligence, only pointing out problems with no viable solution being put forward.  I thought he was smarter than that but apparently not.  The country desperately needs a manager that will stand up to the vacuous leadership of Obama and the timidity of the Republican Party to not confront Obama out of fear of losing their own job at election time.  Sasse WAS a refreshing change that appeared to be outside that group until he made his ridiculous statement of 'not giving support to Trump'.  Trump promised not to run as a third party candidate and now that he is winning, the party wants to run someone else...essentially a third party....and typical of a party that has no integrity.

I was in a meeting with Trump once and he did not get to where he is being the way he is portrayed.  The country must have this sort of manager with business experience and there in no one else is close to getting the job done.  The only objective we have is to defeat Hillary. Trump is the only one who can attract enough diversity with immunity from the media, lobbyist, money, dishonest agendas, climate change activities and socialistic tendencies to get the job done.  The reason this situation is occurring is because of the pent up anger at the 'political correct' agenda infecting the country and Trump is the result....finally!

There is too much at stake here and I trust that that you will do what ever we can to defeat Hillary with Trump the only alternatives the country has available.