Keith Kube for Legislature

Editorial #141 “School Discipline and Entropy” aired February 4, 2020

Editorial #141 School Discipline and Entropy

I always believed most people want to do the right thing and make things better for them self and their family. But with the atrocities we see regarding genocide, corruption, human trafficking, pornography, not to mention abortion, illicit drugs and Satanism, I am no longer convinced that people always desire to do the right thing.

The saying “reality is stranger than fiction” is playing out in the Nebraska Legislature.


Editorial #142 “Walk for Life” aired January 28, 2020

Editorial #142 Walk for Life

With the pro-life marches commemorating the January 1973 Roe vs Wade decision on abortion, the phrase “Civil Discourse” is popping up with greater frequency. Whenever someone’s politically correct position is confronted, they demands civil discourse be used. It is their plea to allow their questionable social conventions to be acceptable.

The liberal elites knows they are losing control of these narratives to social media with the deep state running out of ammunition to advance their agenda.


Editorial #140 “Death of Capitalism” aired January 30, 2020

Editorial #140 Death of Capitalism

With impeachment clogging the news cycles, the slow death of Capitalism is infecting our country from almost every direction. We must remember we are a Republic, if we can keep it, which is based on capitalism. To have a sustainable existence, it is vital that the country work in a capitalistic system outside of government bureaucracies who produce nothing.

There are only three functions of government: provide infrastructure,


Editorial #133 “Liberal Movements” aired January 21, 2020

Editorial #133 Liberal Movements

Einstein always followed patterns that were explainable by scientific laws. If any observation fell outside an expected pattern, there must be a deeper scientific principle to explain it.

The liberal movements of today all have a singular pattern or agenda: it always involves population control. The irony of their belief is man is the cause of global warming, therefore if humanity was eliminated everything would be fine.


Editorial #139 “Profiles in Courage” aired January 23, 2020

Editorial #139 Profiles in Courage

The impeachment trial in Washington is a classic example of the pettiness that occurs in politics. This sort of childish sniping is usually not this apparent, but has been happening since our founding with Andrew Johnson impeached for the same reasons. Their motive was to regain power after being marginalized by an election and were more interested in gaining political advantage than doing what was right for the country.


Editorial #138 “Columbus Day” aired January 16, 2020

Editorial #138 Columbus Day

The elimination of Columbus Day and changing it to Indigenous People’s day is what LB 848 by Senators Brewer, Linehan, McCollister, Sheer and Vargas are proposing in the Unicameral. The legacy of Christopher Columbus represents the acknowledgment of his finding a land that would grow into the United States of America as one Nation under God.

Those seeking to ban Columbus Day in Nebraska show ignorance of history about Western Civilization and the greatness of his discovery.


Editorial #135 Traditions and Laws aired January 7, 2020

Editorial #135 Traditions and Laws

This is the time of year when empathy for the less fortune and under privileged is promoted by asking everyone to be more generous and supportive. No one can disagrees that being kind, gentle and generous is the not right thing to do in making the world a better place. The golden rule and our core values must always be a part of making the world better.


Editorial #137 “How to Protect the Country” aired January 14, 2020

Editorial #137 How to Protect the Country

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.” This is the oath taken by our president and all members of congress when being sworn into office.

The meaning of these words leaves little room for interpretation,


Editorial #136 “Red Flag Laws and Emotions” aired January 9, 2020

Editorial #136 Red Flag Laws and Emotions

In this age of technology, law makers are always testing the limits of our Constitution’s Second and Fourth Amendments that guarantees our right to bear arms and prohibits the government from unreasonable searches and seizure. These are reasonable limitations to place on any government that may thirst for power. We need to have the right to protect ourselves and someone just can’t come to you and look through your wallet or purse just to see what’s inside.


Editorial #134 “Losing Tolerance” aired January 2, 2020

Editorial #134 Losing Tolerance

Aristotle said over 2000 year ago: “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” The hypocrisy and indifference we all see today is an alarming indicator. I hope this is not the beginning of the end of Our Constitutional Republic.

Political correctness is redefining the words in the preamble to our Constitution. The “pursuit of happiness” is now means “entitlements”. “We the people” now means everyone regardless of citizenship.