Keith Kube for Legislature

Editorial #138 “Columbus Day” aired January 16, 2020

Editorial #138 Columbus Day

The elimination of Columbus Day and changing it to Indigenous People’s day is what LB 848 by Senators Brewer, Linehan, McCollister, Sheer and Vargas are proposing in the Unicameral. The legacy of Christopher Columbus represents the acknowledgment of his finding a land that would grow into the United States of America as one Nation under God.

Those seeking to ban Columbus Day in Nebraska show ignorance of history about Western Civilization and the greatness of his discovery. To top this ignorance, LB 937 by Senators Pansing-Brooks, Brewer, Gragert and Hunt wants the flags of all the Native American Nations to be flown over the capitol building. This is an actually an attack on the sovereignty of our State and Country.

To set this precedence, in the spirit of diversity, anti-discrimination and fairness is on a slippery slope of political correctness. If this foolishness is permitted, then they need to have a flag for German, Italian, Jewish, Catholic, atheistic, African, Irish and Spanish descendants along with the rainbow flag for the gay rights movement.
What is the motive behind changing a day designated to honor someone very important in our history and expect us to show reverence to flags dedicated to any ethnicity. Special days are to honor extraordinary accomplishments or heroism and the flag represents the government whose constitution we acknowledge. Flags are not gold stars on a refrigerator or participation trophies. We do not live under the Constitution of indigenous tribes.

Why change Columbus Day or fly flags of foreign countries over the capitol? Are they against the Christian influence that Columbus represented that led to the end of child sacrifice, cannibalism and slavery? Could it be they are ashamed of the discovery of the Americas that led to the creation of the most successful free market economy in the world? Is it to renew the anger in order to extract revenge for the successes of Capitalism? Do they want to promote diversity and the disasters of Socialism & Tribalism? Is it to renew the victim status that will justify reverse discrimination against anyone who is not Native American?

For these politicians to make Columbus a scapegoat speaks volumes about who they are. Their lack of judgment demonstrates a poor understanding of our history and what is really important. I would think this herd of Senators would be embarrassed to be associated with this slippery slope of a populism. It is almost grounds for disqualification from public service as they are not representing the people of our State, exacerbating discrimination and bias that is all too prevalent in society.

Let your senators know that LB 937 and LB 848 is bad legislation and a waste of tax money to entertain
such foolish ideas that are contrary to patriotism and our Christian values. We are Nebraskans and Americans, first and foremost.

This is Keith Kube wishing you the best in making the world a better place.

Keith has a regular commentary on WJAG 780 radio at 7:40 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Check his website for past editorials.

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