Nebraska Eagle Forum Newsletter by Kathy Wilmont for April 2, 2019
Senator Priority Bills to focus on:
LB 209 (Albrecht) Require information regarding reversal of medication abortion SUPPORT
LB 657 (Wayne) Adopt the Nebraska Hemp Act OPPOSE
LB 44 (Chambers) Eliminate the death penalty and change provisions relating to murder in the first degree OPPOSE
LB 155 (Brewer) Change eminent domain provisions that apply to privately developed renewable energy generation facilities SUPPORT
LB 606 (Groene) Provide for water augmentation projects and retention of water rights as prescribed SUPPORT
LB 532 (Cavanaugh) Change provisions relating to harassment protection orders, sexual assault protection orders and domestic abuse protection orders
LB 169 (Hunt) Change provisions relating to eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program OPPOSE
LB 424 (Quick) Change the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act OPPOSE
LB 110 (Wishart) Adopt the Medical Cannabis Act OPPOSE
Committee Priority Bills to focus on:
LB 227 (Hughes) Redefine terms and change determination of a public or private nuisance under the Nebraska Right to Farm Act SUPPORT
LB 147 (Groene) Change the Student Discipline Act to provide for use by a teacher or administrator of necessary physical contact or physical restraint and provide pro(cedures and grounds for removal from a class in response to student behavior SUPPORT
LB 700 (Bostelman) Provide for decommissioning and reclamation of a wind energy conversion system SUPPORT
LR14CA (Wayne) Constitutional amendment to authorize municipalities to pledge property taxes for up to twenty years if more than one-half of the property in a redevelopment project is extremely blighted OPPOSE
So – what do you do now? It is definitely time to communicate (in writing and by phone) with Senators requesting their support or opposition to the various pieces of legislation. Provide a few sentences as to why you are asking for their vote for or against. Then – Be sure to communicate with your friends and neighbors. Let them know we need the involvement of “the people”! It is also important to write letters to the Editor on the bills you feel strongly about. Most of the time, the general public is totally unaware of the bills before the Legislature. YOU have an opportunity to educate the pubic and enlist their support.
Another bill we oppose – which has not been prioritized – is LB 503 that would allow for webcam abortions.
Looking at the past week:
Nebraska Eagle Forum
“The salvation of the state is the watchfulness of the citizens”
Bills heard on the floor included LB 369 (Vargas) (Judiciary Committee) if passed, this will tie the hands of jails, law enforcement agencies and the Nebraska State Patrol. These agencies would be mandated to provide public notice before entering into agreements to enforce federal immigration law. The Nebraska State Patrol had a representative who testified re: the raid that took place in O’Neil, NE in August 2018. That individual pointed out the case was a human trafficking case and local law enforcement was contacted by federal officials who requested resources and support. IF LB 369 had been in effect, local law enforcement would have been required to give a 30-day notice prior to assisting – and the criminals and perpetrators would have been long gone along with any evidence. Appropriate action at this time is to continue contacting the Judiciary Committee asking for a NO vote that would keep LB 369 in Committee. In addition, begin communicating with other Senators explaining why we oppose this bill. Sen. Slama asked very important questions concerning the impact upon law enforcement in our state.
Another bill, LB 502 (Hunt) (Judiciary Committee was also heard 3/28. LB 502 would make Nebraska a sanctuary state with all of the problems that come with such a status. Government entities or law enforcement would not be allowed to inquire about the immigration status of anyone – even though they may have violated a criminal law. In the event government or law enforcement find out the immigration status of an individual, this bill would prohibit law enforcement from notifying a third party (federal, etc) of that information. Again, Sen. Slama was “on-target” with her questions concerning the conflict between federal and state law. One good question: Are there any other laws in our state where law enforcement and government officials are prohibited from communicating with federal level enforcement.