Keith Kube for Legislature

Nebraska Eagle Forum by Kathy Wilmont April 28, 2019

Nebraska Eagle Forum by Kathy Wilmont for April 28, 2019

Several Senator Priority Bills still in play:

LB 209 (Albrecht) Require information regarding reversal of medication abortion SUPPORT Write to your Legislators requesting their support. Don’t wait- This bill has just been voted out of committee and will be debated by the full legislature Monday April 29! Over half of all abortions in Nebraska today are “medication” abortions. Thankfully a new, evidence based protocol known as Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) is providing women a second chance to choose life.
But women in Nebraska are not being informed about this life-saving option. LB 209 changes this by requiring abortion facilities to inform women about the possibility to continue their pregnancy after taking the first abortion pill. APR is medically researched and safe for both the mother and her baby. In fact, there are doctors and nurses successfully administering APR protocol in Nebraska today!

LB 657 (Wayne) Adopt the Nebraska Hemp Act OPPOSE

LB 44 (Chambers) Eliminate the death penalty and change provisions relating to murder in the first degree Defeated

LB 155 (Brewer) Change eminent domain provisions that apply to privately developed renewable energy generation facilities SUPPORT

LB 606 (Groene) Provide for water augmentation projects and retention of water rights as prescribed SUPPORT

LB 169 (Hunt) Change provisions relating to eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program OPPOSE

LB 424 (Quick) Change the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act OPPOSE

LB 110 (Wishart) Adopt the Medical Cannabis Act OPPOSE

Committee Priority Bills to focus on:

LB 147 (Groene) Change the Student Discipline Act to provide for use by a teacher or administrator of necessary physical contact or physical restraint and provide procedures and grounds for removal from a class in response to student behavior SUPPORT

LB 700 (Bostelman) Provide for decommissioning and reclamation of a wind energy conversion system SUPPORT

So – what do you do now? It is definitely time to communicate (in writing and by phone) with Senators requesting their support or opposition to the various pieces of legislation. Provide a few sentences as to why you are asking for their vote for or against. Then – Be sure to communicate with your friends and neighbors. Let them know we need the involvement of “the people”! It is also important to write letters to the Editor on the bills you feel strongly about. Most of the time, the general public is totally unaware of the bills before the Legislature. YOU have an opportunity to educate the pubic and enlist their support.

Nebraska Eagle Forum
“The salvation of the state is the watchfulness of the citizens”

Another bill we oppose – which has not been prioritized is:

LB 503 that would allow for webcam abortions.

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