Editorial #124 Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is one of our greatest American holidays celebrating the many gifts we have been given. We should marvel at the miracle of this country’s formation and be eternally thankful to those men and women who gave their lives, revered God and built this great experiment into One Great Nation, Under God.
The most hurtful part of giving any gift is the lack of appreciation by the receiver or not receiving a sincere thank you. In today’s society we are showered with an abundance of entertainment options and toys that raises the bar for what is truly appreciated. In the secular world of anti-religious bias, atheism and government intervention, true appreciation for the gifts of life, liberty and the freedom to pursue happiness is almost non-existent.
Why is this happening? It is due to the infection of political correctness, fake news and social media. It has caused us to forget one of the most important ingredients in life, the appreciation for what we received from our creator. Even an atheist appreciates the God given gifts of good health, intellect and skills to make their world more comfortable and tranquil place.
Appreciation for the gifts from our forefathers have evolved into entitlements and demands. The movement toward socialism has minimized the application for our core values of truth, fairness, sustainability and integrity resulting in a society where more people are accepting the fate of being equally miserable.
We all have the gift of free will and the ability to do almost anything we desire. If the source of our free will is God given, the function of any prayer should only be in thanksgiving and appreciation. It is not to beg for various things to happen or wanting our luck to change, due to some bad decisions. If we are granted intersessions and God fixes all our poor decisions, there is no incentive to do the right thing if prayers fixes everything. We pray in thanksgiving for the gift of knowing: “what the right thing to do, is”
The sad part of life is a gift is never really appreciate until it is gone. The movement toward socialism is ironic, where freedom to use our free will is eliminated with a complete disregard for the laws of nature, economics or science. The liberal mindset demands it violate our core values with ligation and government regulation their solution to any problem, not logic. Any effort at becoming self-sufficient is ridiculed because the government will take care of everything for us.
So on this Thanksgiving Holiday, we should be eternally thankful that we are living in the greatest nation on earth. We must remember freedom is not free, we are judged not by what we get, but by what we give and that our obligation in life is to teach others, through example, how to live in a constitutional republic based on the core values of truth, fairness, sustainability and integrity.
This is Keith Kube wishing you the best in making the world a better place and Happy Thanksgiving.
Keith has a regular commentary on WJAG 780 radio at 7:40 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Check his website www.keithkube.com for past editorials.