As we continue to see examples of apathy, indifference and blatant disrespect for our national traditions like the flag, our anthem, the military and the police we are seeing the symptoms of the infection that impacts the fabric of the entire country. The problem is a our citizens are not personally invested enough in the country. They simply misunderstand what it means to live in the land of the free and the responsibility we all have in supporting the systems that allows us to have liberty and the freedom to exercise it responsibly.
Political correctness, situational ethics and fake news has had a far reaching impact on the complexion of the entire country for a couple of decades, now. I hope this is not a frog in the boiling pot syndrome and we can still jump out to save ourselves.
It is very dangerous for political correctness to redefine what is means to be truthful, fair have integrity and do it sustainable. It is being recharacterized by the liberal agenda to the point where these redefined perception are propagated, no matter how incredible, with the demand that they must be given equal consideration to any of their opinions because this is a democracy. That means they can demand that 2+2=6 and then expect everyone to agree on 5 as a fair compromise.
This is a result of not realizing the unintended consequences that will occur if 5 is the now the new acceptable answer with everyone being confused when nothing adds up. The pain of these wrong outcomes has never been experienced by many these millennials because they have never had the opportunity to deal with real problem and know what to do if things that don’t work exactly as they would like. Their snowflake existence shielded them from that thought process.
I hired over 500 people in my career. The traits I always desired in any applicant were: they graduated….they finished something, and if they had military experience. That military training seemed to give them a background in discipline, following orders, respect for authority and chain of command along with being responsible for their actions. They also knew how to function in an organization and were able focus on the singleness of purpose or mission.
There are other ways to learn these traits, but it is seldom found outside of the rigid science or business curriculum of college. This sort of study is always objective, not subjective, and structured with absolutes being taught. This sort of education is expensive and very demanding. Only the military provides a similar discipline, meeting of specific standards. In the military the incentive for learning is life and death, both individually and to the team of which they are a part, if they fail.
In countries like Israel, where mandatory service is required, the citizens are very engaged in all aspects of the country’s security because they become part of the system. All the civilians provide transportation, room and board, as they can, they help keep their soldiers trained and fit.
The citizens are both the beneficiary and contributor to how the country operates. They all have “Skin in the game” which means they all work to make their country better. They will fight to the death if anyone tries to marginalize, impugn or compromise what they worked so hard to built and protect, so the country can remain safer in such a hostile part of the world.
Our individual objective should be to make our country more unified, knowing that we must all do our part in making America Great Again and stop whining about all the problems we have. We can not expect “The Government” to take care of everything with no concern about who is going to pay for it. We must all pay for it, if not in dollars then in work, supplies and emotional investment in the cause.
It is our country and each of us we must seriously consider whether we are part of the problem or the solution. There is a point, called maturity, where each of us should be able to answer that question for ourselves, but it seems that point is reached by fewer people each year.
With a National Public Service program structured as part of the military, this maturity point would be reached considerably quicker, with fewer young people never reaching it. In return they would have their college or trade school education paid for, like the GI bill, with a much better understanding of what problems they could help solve in the country when they graduate.
National Public Service (AUDIO) – CLICK HERE