March 9, 2019 Nebraska Eagle Forum by Kathy Wilmont
Several bills need your input this week. Please check closely as most will need written testimony submitted prior to 5 PM Tuesday. Here are the Article V Constitutional Convention (AVC) related legislation that we oppose in Nebraska–all are pending in the Government, Military & Veterans Affairs committee:
LR9 Sen. Wayne’s Resolution calling for yet another Article V Constitutional convention. This resolution is known as a Wolf PAC resolution. Hearing Wed. March 13, 1:30 pm Central
LB451 (Delegate) Heard 2/1/19 – didn’t vote; tied for now
LR7 (COSP) Heard 2/1/19 – didn’t vote; tied for now HERE explains the dangers of an AVC. HERE are words from brilliant men who warned against another convention.
THIS ARTICLE and THIS FLYER show why state legislators can’t control Delegates or prevent a runaway convention.
Senators need to know that no matter how good the issue sounds, the convention process is one in which we could lose our Constitution.
Republicans should relate to these ARGUMENTS against Wolf-PAC’s LR9.
Democrats should relate to David A. Super’s ARTICLE about bills similar to LR9. Super shares the desire for campaign finance reform, but explains why an Article V convention is the wrong way to go about it: “…once a convention is called, everything in our Constitution would become immediately vulnerable…At constitutional roulette, everyone loses — except well-financed special interests.”
Nebraska has a unicameral legislature. Please write these 48 Senators and ask them to VOTE “No!” on LR9, LR7, LB451, and any applications from Nebraska asking Congress to call an Article V convention:
Republican (“nonpartisan”) senators (30): Dear Senator,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Nebraska Eagle Forum
“The salvation of the state is the watchfulness of the citizens”,,,,,
Democratic (“nonpartisan”) senators (18): Dear Senator,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
LB 687 (Vargas) Provide for voter registration of applicants for drivers licenses and state identification cards; Hearing scheduled March 14 Government, Military & Veterans Affairs committee: OPPOSE Several years ago, a bill was passed by the Unicameral allowing DACA’s and other illegal aliens to apply and receive drivers licenses . When that happened, we began to blur the lines and allow individuals to get drivers licenses that could be used in registering to vote. This bill would automatically enter an individual into the voting registration the minute they get a driver’s license or a state ID. It would be left to the illegal individual to decide whether to prove citizenship or not. This is yet another attempt to weaken our laws and increases the possibility of voter fraud easier and greater. LB 209 Require information regarding reversal of medication abortion (Albrecht) Judiciary Committee Hearing 3/20 SUPPORT A very important Pro-Life bill. Several babies have been born-alive because Mom found out she could reverse pills given to her that were intended to cause a chemical abortion! This bill would mandate that individuals would be given that information!
LR 2, SUPPORT the resolution calling for resending any previous resolutions calling for US constitution Article V Conventions, remains in the executive board. The hearing was February 6th . So far no action has been taken. It is important that we contact members of the Executive board asking that LR 2 be approved and moved to the floor for debate. In addition, to also ask other senators to call for LR2 to come to the floor.
LB 176 Eliminate certain mandatory sentences (Chambers) OPPOSE Hearing Judiciary Committee 3/15
LB 131 Changes certain provisions of minimum sentences (Pansing Brooks) Hearing 3/15 Judiciary OPPOSE This bill reduces the amount of time an offender may be sentenced to and removes the possibility of a life sentence.
LB 89 Changes certain marijuana penalties (Wayne) Hearing 3/20 Judiciary Committee OPPOSE
LB 90 Makes post-release supervision optional for Class IV felonies (Wayne) Hearing 3/20 Judiciary Committee. OPPOSE
LB 91 Provide for deferred judgments by courts as prescribed (Wayne) Hearing 3/20 Judiciary Committee OPPOSE
These 5 bills each reduce penalties for crimes. LB 91, for instance, would make it possible for the court to set aside judgement and/or probation for offenders. Again – criminals should face the consequences of their behavior…if they don’t, we believe they will continue to offend in most cases. Another “side effect” may be the possibility that individuals will eventually claim some judges are treating individuals and their crimes differently due to race, age, etc. That would cause additional problems for the state. Reducing the penalties for crimes has been a movement in the Legislature for several years. This is also an attempt to avoid dealing with “overcrowding” of our prison system. They would rather “save the money” instead of building additional facilities – and instead, turn the criminal onto the streets for you and your children to deal with. NOTE: Judiciary Committee members are listed above. Write to each of them.
This past week:
LB 83 (Sen. Wayne) was heard March 6 by the Government Military and Veteran Affairs Committee. This bill would eliminate waiting period for Nebraskans convicted felonies to have their voting rights restored sooner. It is important to contact call senators encouraging a no vote. It is important that individuals who choose to violate our laws learn that there are consequences to their behavior.
LB 163 (Sen. Hunt) also heard March 6th by the Government, Military and Veteran Affairs Committee. This bill would expand voting by mail in Nebraska. Again we encourage that you contact all senators asking for a NO vote . We must not make voter fraud easier for individuals.
Always include your name, mailing address; specify whether you support or oppose the bill AND request that your written testimony be included in the official record of the hearing. Remember: Your statement must reach their offices before 5:00 p.m. the working day prior to the hearing. We suggest sending a separate e-mail for each bill to all of the Committee members.