Nebraska Eagle Forum for March 16, 2019 by Kathy Wilmont
Several bills need your input this week. Please check closely as most will need written testimony submitted prior to 5 PM Tuesday March 19th.
LB 209 Require information regarding reversal of medication abortion (Albrecht) Judiciary Committee Hearing 3/20 SUPPORT A very important Pro-Life bill. Several babies have been born-alive because Mom found out she could reverse pills given to her that were intended to cause a chemical abortion! This bill would mandate that individuals would be given that information!
LB 503 Eliminate requirement that physician be physically present in same room when an abortion is performed (Hunt) Hearing scheduled 3/20 with the Judiciary Committee OPPOSE
The following 3 bills each reduce penalties for crimes:
LB 91, for instance, would make it possible for the court to set aside judgement and/or probation for offenders. Again – criminals should face the consequences of their behavior…if they don’t, we believe they will continue to offend in most cases. Another “side effect” may be the possibility that individuals will eventually claim some judges are treating individuals and their crimes differently due to race, age, etc. That would cause additional problems for the state. Reducing the penalties for crimes has been a movement in the Legislature for several years. This is also an attempt to avoid dealing with “overcrowding” of our prison system. They would rather “save the money” instead of building additional facilities – and instead, turn the criminal onto the streets for you and your children to deal with.
Judiciary Committee:;;; ;;;
Write to each of them.
LB 89 Changes certain marijuana penalties (Wayne) Hearing 3/20 Judiciary Committee OPPOSE
LB 90 Makes post-release supervision optional for Class IV felonies (Wayne) Hearing 3/20 Judiciary Committee. OPPOSE
LB 91 Provide for deferred judgments by courts as prescribed (Wayne) Hearing 3/20 Judiciary Committee OPPOSE
Your phone calls and e-mails are needed to help move LR 2 out of the Revenue Committee and onto the floor! The hearing for LR 2 was held in February, however it is still stuck in committee. Please call and write to Senator Jim Sheer and Senator Dan Hughes. They are members of the revenue committee. We need their votes to move LR 2 to the floor.
Nebraska Eagle Forum
“The salvation of the state is the watchfulness of the citizens”
What does LR 2 do? LR 2 is known as the rescission bill. It would remove any previous calls for a constitutional convention. Through the years, past legislatures have past calls for an Article V Constitutional Convention. It is time to “clean the books” and resend all old calls. Please ask Senator Sheer and Senator Dan Hughes to vote yes on LR 2.
Always include your name, mailing address; specify whether you support or oppose the bill AND request that your written testimony be included in the official record of the hearing. Remember: Your statement must reach their offices before 5:00 p.m. the working day prior to the hearing. We suggest sending a separate e-mail for each bill to all of the Committee members.
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For Membership: Send $10.00/year to Nebraska Eagle Forum P.O. Box 165 Beaver City, NE 68926. Help us protect our Constitution, our freedoms and the values we hold dear. Or email or call Kathy Wilmot at 308 340-3987.