Keith Kube for Legislature

Editorial #7 Health Care September 7, 2017

Health Care

How the government invest our tax dollars comes to a very critical point when dealing with health care. When does our personal obligations to our health care stop and when does The Government’s responsibility to provide health care start? That point is known as the social contract that must be decided by “we the people”. It is not for the politicians to decide. It must be decided democratically.

This point is at the root of the country’s health care problem and calling it health care is a misnomer. It is not health care and it does not make anyone better. It is simply a way of paying for health care. We need to decide once and for all, do we expect the government to completely take care of us all? Health care is becoming a welfare program by another name.

A socialist model of health care thinks the government should take care of everything including pre-existing conditions for everyone. A capitalist model would say we, as individuals, should plan and take care of ourselves and our immediate family with health care being a business and not a social program.

These are the two extremes and the answer lies somewhere in the middle. We must decide where our personal responsibility stops and where the government responsibility starts. Where that point is must be decided by “We the People”. Any conversation that ignores this is hypocrisy, a waste of time and not constructive.

If “we the people” wants a welfare system that provides all our health care, then we must be willing to pay the bill. If we want health care to be a capitalistic system that results in the best health care in the world, then we should do that. Where that point is will be neither the best nor the worst solution, since it must be decided democratically. But, it will be a perfectly mediocre answer with the final outcome being: we will die healthy and/or poor.

This is Keith Kube wishing you the best in making the world a better place.

Keith Kube, of Crofton, is a business analyst and author of two book on business management. During his career as an engineer, investment banker and management consultant he identified traits commonly overlook that are vital for all successful business operations.