Nebraska Eagle Forum by Kathy Wilmont, March 16, 2019
Oppose LB 502 – Limited Immigration Inquiry Act
If passed NE will: 1) become a sanctuary state, 2) be a magnet for illegals, 3) be less safe, 4) have downward pressure on wages, 4) have more low-wage jobs being filled by illegals, 5) have increased costs for schools, and 6) have a drain on medical resources. Write a letter and email it to the Judiciary Committee Chair Senator Lathrop by 5:00 p.m. on March 27 stating that you are OPPOSED to LB 502.
Sample Letter: Vote NO on LB 502
Dear Senator Lathrop and Committee Members: I am opposed to LB 502. This bill will result in NE becoming a sanctuary state which will put downward pressure on wages for low-skilled workers. Please include this email as part of the official public hearing record.
S. Wayne Smith 6345 S 35th Ct Lincoln, NE 68516 402 3278-2085
To have your letter included in the official public hearing record, you must:
1) indicate you are opposed to the bill,
2) state that you want your letter to be included in the official public record, and 3) include your name and address.
Alternative to writing a letter: Testify at the March 28 hearing at 1:30 p.m. in the Warner Chamber at the State Capitol. Bring 9 copies, 8 for the committee plus 1 for yourself.
You can use any of the talking points below (or others) in your letter:
1. NE will become a sanctuary state with all of the problems that come with such a status.
2. Government or law enforcement can’t inquire about the immigration status of anyone.
Nebraska Eagle Forum
“The salvation of the state is the watchfulness of the citizens”
3. If government or law enforcement finds out the immigration status of someone, they have to keep it confidential.
4. Hospitals would suffer financially if illegals are not able to pay their bills
5. This bill violates federal law.
6. LB 502 prevents law enforcement from contacting ICE.
Below is a list of members of the Judiciary Committee along with email addresses and phone numbers. If contacting by phone, call before the hearing by 12:00 on March 27.
Senator Steve Lathrop 12 402 471-2623
Chairperson Senator Tom Brandt 32 402 471-2711
Senator Ernie Chambers 11 None 402 471-2612
Senator Wendy Deboer 10 402 471-2718
Senator Adam Morfeld 46 402 471-2720
Senator Patty Pansing Brooks 28 402 471-2633
Senator Julie Slama 1 402 471-2733
Senator Justin Wayne 13 402 471-2727
Senator Megan Hunt’s Statement of Intent: To improve public safety by removing barriers for Nebraskans to interact with law enforcement.
Status of LB 502: Committee
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