Editorial #73 Our Legislature
Once again our Nebraska Legislature managed to run out the clock and got practically nothing done regarding our most pressing issue, property taxes.
The Unicameral had 90 days, scattered over 5 months, to get something accomplished. Practically every member of the Unicameral promised they would do something to stop the unbearable burden of property tax that is literally killing our agricultural economy.
But, instead, they got roped into debating transgender issues, vaping, abortion, wind towers and mountain lions while calling our American flag a rag. They knocked off early, this year, and kicked the can down the road once again saying they tried really hard and will address it next session.
Almost everybody tip-toes around, trying not to offend anyone, while being intimidated into not confronting bad manners, offensive language and allowing political correctness to sneak into the agenda.
The bottom line is: taxes were not reduced. Instead, measures that actually increase spending managed to pass in spite of the veto by the governor. It is easy to spend money, but it takes political courage to cut spending.
The legislature seems to think there is a solution that everyone will like is out there some place. There is always going to be someone who does not like whatever solution is picked, but no decision is no longer acceptable. That is where we have been for the past 20 years.
All laws must have four ingredients. It must be fair, truthful, sustainable and have integrity or no hidden, self-service agenda. The best law is a law that no one likes. So if there is someone who likes a law, there is something wrong with it because it violates one of the four ingredients, that is fairness.
No one like to be told what to do or forced into doing something that is painful. So if they are waiting for a law everyone likes, the legislature must grow up, stop wasting time giving acknowledgments and start running the government like a business where they understand taxes are to be used to defer future expenses and not to buy votes.
This is Keith Kube wishing you the best in making the world a better place.