Keith Kube for Legislature

Editorial #363 “Farewell Commentary” aired on January 27, 2022

Editorial #363 Farewell Commentary

The only constant in life is change and following that thought, this is the 363rd and final commentary I will be presenting on WJAG Radio.

Over the years, because of this broadcast, I have had the great fortune to be invited to give numerous talks at high schools, colleges, banquets and seminars.  Before that I was too busy making a living, helping other people make a living.

With all my studies in engineering, investment banking, insurance, tax law and management consulting, I never let my schooling interfere with my education.

There are only two ways to learn anything, make the mistake yourself or watch someone else make the mistake.  I have learned a lot from both my mistakes and from using my experience to help others avoid making similar mistakes.

In this era of confusion, intimidation and disinformation, despite constant denial from many, everything is politics.  From my spectrum of occupations, every person I met shares a commonality. They all deal with money and have customers who needed their help in some way.  Politics is largely comprised of the handling people’s tax dollars.  We all want our taxes invested wisely to reduce future costs and improve prosperity so we, as citizens, can help others do the same thing.

This theory falls apart when politicians make the mistake of presuming themselves leaders.  They are not leaders.  They work for us “we the people”, to ensure government lives up to its promise to abide by our core values of truth, justice and sustainability. They are supposed to uphold integrity and confront hypocrisy, On Our Behalf!

The decisions of politicians are rarely easy, but they are simple.  The difficulty lies in choosing the lesser of two evils that will least violate, our core values.

After two books, hundreds of commentaries, interviewing and hiring over 500 consultants and assisting over a thousand clients, I have come to the proverbial fork in the road and I am going to take it.

I am hereby announcing my candidacy for The Nebraska State Legislature, District 40.

This State Senate seat not only represent part of northeast Nebraska, but the entire state.  I am eager to meet all of you so we can compare notes and re-igniting the culture of conservatism and morality.  We must regain the momentum to protect and carry out that mission.

There is no place like Nebraska and my objective it to make that motto widely shared and proudly proclaimed across our state and the entire country.

This is Keith Kube hoping to connect with you so we can, together, carry out our message so Nebraska will have an ever bigger part in making the world a better place.

2 thoughts on “Editorial #363 “Farewell Commentary” aired on January 27, 2022”

  1. This message was filled with surprises and congratulations are in order.
    I have enjoyed reading your commentaries. I hope I will continue to hear from you.
    Be positive. Help people in the state you love and are so proud of. Be happy. Your message will be reflected in your joy.
    You know I will help doing whatever you need. Just ask me.

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